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        Blood Type Comparison - CHILD,FATHER, MOTHER

        Paternity Determination by Blood Type Chart Calculator

        Blood type can be used to disprove paternity only in some cases.

        In other words, the non-father's blood type may be the same or be of a type where either man could be the father based solely on the blood type but not in the results of a DNA Paternity test.

        In paternity civil lawsuit against the mother by fathers and children

        See more about the civil lawsuits brought against mothers by their husband, or males falsely reported as the father or even children in paternity fraud cases of 10 different counties on this website.

        In such cases, the paternity fraud deprives a child of the relationship and heritage of the biological father and the child rights found in UN Convention on the Rights of the Child which states that a child has the right to be raised by both biological parents.

           1 out of 6 Canadians areVictims of Paternity Fraud - Read More..  

        The ABO blood type charts below can be used to predict thepossibilities of paternity.

        The charts below can assist you to determine either:

            1. The ABO blood type of the child when theblood type of the father and the mother are known (top chart), or

            2. The ABO blood type of the father if the blood typeof the child and the mother are known (bottom chart).

        ABO Blood Type Calculator

        Blood Type Chart - Mother, Father, Child, paternity determination

        ABO blood types can be complicated to understand. This is mostly dueto the fact that the 'O-type' antigen is masked by the presence of an A- or B-typeantigen. This is explained in the following chart, showing thedifferent the genotypes that make up the blood types.

        Genotype (DNA)Blood Type
        AO or AAA blood type
        ABAB blood type
        BO or BBB blood type
        OOO blood type

        For example, two O blood type parents can produce a child with only Oblood type. Two parents with A blood type can produce a child witheither A or O blood types. Two parents with B blood type can produce achild with either B or O blood type. One parent with A and another withB can produce a child with A, B, AB or O blood types. If one parent hasA and another has AB, they can either produce a child with A, B or ABblood types. If one parent has A and another has O, they can eitherproduce a child with A or O blood types.

        Rh Positive (Rh+) and Negative (Rh-) Blood Types

        The Rh (+/-) factor is inherited separately from the ABO blood types.Similarly to the masking effect of the O gene in ABO blood types, the Rhnegative (Rh-) gene is also masked by the presence of a Rh positive(Rh+) genotype. Therefore, a person may have a Rh + blood type and canstill have an Rh - gene (See the chart below). Further more, 2 parentswith Rh + blood types can have a child with Rh - blood type.

        Genotype (DNA)Blood Type
        (+ , -) or (+ , +)Rh +
        (- , -) Rh -

        Globe and Mail

        Canada's largest national daily newspaper

        Mommy's little secret - 1 out of 6 Canadians areVictims of Paternity Fraud

        The Globe and Mail, one of Canada's 2 national newspapers, The article contains info about children'sidentity fraud at The Hospital for Sick Children in Toronto, Canada.  December 14, 2002. 

        Includes interview with employees of Hospital for Sick Children in Toronto, Ontario, Canada who admitthey deny children's identity information to husbands/male partners of mothers who want to hide the realidentity of their child because they had an affair. The U.N. Convention on the Rights of The Childspecifically supports a child's human right to have a relationship with both his/her biological parents. Inaddition, this article is proof that The Hospital for Sick Children ("Sick Kids") supports paternity fraud. 

        Further "Sick Kids" supports a mother's rights only, which they view, supersedes 3 other people's rights,namely, the rights of the biological father, the rights of the mother's male partner/husband and the child'sidentity rights. Read More ..

        About The Hospital for Sick Children in Toronto, Canada.

        Affectionately called "Sick Kids", is one of the largest paediatric academic health science centres in theworld, with an international reputation for excellence in health care, research, and teaching.

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