Search Examples
Crosse Keys
Find pubs called "Crosse Keys" (if there's only one match go straight to that pub)
Find pubs near "Cambridge"
White Lion St Albans
Find pubs called "White Lion" in "St Albans" (if there's only one match go straight to that pub)
Find pubs in postcode "AL1"
St Albans Abbey
Find pubs near "St Albans Abbey" railway station
Dog friendly pubs in Deal
Find pubs in "Deal (Town)" then select the "Dog Friendly" option from the list of filters.
Search Hints
In general searching for a pub by pub name alone is less likely to be successful. There are very few pub names which are rare, and fewer still that are unique, and a common pub name will give too many hits to be useful.
Searching for pubs within a location is far more effective.
Location can be defined by place names, which might be cities, towns, villages or districts of large towns or cities.
Location can also be defined by postcode or the first half of a postcode.
A location based search gives you a list of pubs with the pubs closest to the centre of the location first on the list.
To find the pubs in a location that have a particular feature or facility, first find the pubs at that location and then use the filters to the right of the search results to select the pubs with the features/facilities you require.
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